Tuesday, 29 March 2011


CAR SNATCHING:   If you feel that you are being followed in suspicious circumstances where your safety is at stake, take evasive action and drive in the central lane. If your follower continues with the process, drive to some crowded location and phone for urgent assistance.
 7.5.2 If someone forcibly attempts to stop you, Do Not Do So- even if if results in collision. 
Sound the horn and drive towards light or wherever you may find assistance and safety.

CAR SNATCHING   In case someone attempts to snatch the vehicle at gun point “DO NOT RESIST”. The criminal being in hyper state can harm you resulting into loss of life also. Try to remain unnerved and activate your mind to manoeuvre, at suitable movement, to get away from the peril safely.
To avert such a moment, following are some of the useful measures:-
i) Walk attentively viewing the surroundings and be alert to nearby activity.

 ii) Always check the back seat before opening your car.

 iii) Take note of any-one asking for direction or handing out publicity leaf-lets/pamphlets. 

 iv) Prefer the well known route, through lighted and well travelled roads


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